Sunday, April 29, 2012

April is Ending and Rain Never Stops Falling

Oh my my my. Sorry for being rubbish about keeping up this blog. This will serve as an update post. Hope you find it... insightful? Into life in Wales? I just like the word insightful.

Weather. The weather in Wales is less than ideal for me. In the mornings, you can hear the rushing, howling, wing outside of the windows. It makes you not want to start your day. It makes you want to stay in bed and drink coffee and eat breakfast and watch The Apprentice. Which were all done Saturday. This is going to be the coldest and rainiest May Wales has had in 100 years. Way to welcome a new member of your society.

Our little home has welcomed many people in the last couple of months. Life groups, discipleship meetings, coffees, friends from church, homeless people, family, etc. It's been great! Highlight has been seeing someone addicted to heroine saved in our home. What a joy! Two friends of mine, that used to drug addicts, have given their lives to Jesus and have hope in Jesus! Another young teen has also come to know the Lord. We went on a teens week away, and she decided to follow Jesus while the two of us were taking a walk in the beautiful country! Isn't it amazing that God uses us even when we are completely unfaithful to him? He wants to see people brought from DEATH to LIFE and could do it all on his own. But he CHOOSES to use us to share with others and see people saved! And what an encouragement it is to see people know the joy of Jesus.

Things at church are wonderful. Ministries are running, Sunday mornings are thriving. There is this ministry called Christians Against Poverty. Basically, there are LOADS of people in debt in Merthyr. This ministry is set up to share the gospel while bringing debt relief to people. These people are thousands of dollars in debt. Literally, they just pile bills to the side because they can't bear to look at them. In the middle of hopelessness, a CAP worker comes and says they are going to help. And they do help! Debts get paid. But more importantly, these people hear about freedom from sin in Jesus. Super cool. We have baptisms next week. Over 15! Keep praying for our church. There are lots of changes and we need the Lord to continue to provide direction.

Dave and I are doing just dandy. The doctors have found out why my hands are disgusting and my toes are blue. I have terrible circulation that has then brought on eczema. But nothing more than that apparently. Dave is ill off and on pretty frequently, but nothing major. So health wise, we are fine. We are currently trying to think of fun, cheap things to do in our free time. Send ideas!

Would love your updates. I feel very apart from everyone in the states. I miss things about home and it's hard when I start to think about not seeing the ones I love till December. And I miss the weather! And I miss unlimited drinks when you eat out! And BBQs in  yards. But I love Dave. And i love what is happening in Merthyr.

Well, I will now return to eating my cereal (3rd bowl I'm eating as a little snack) and watching The Firm with Dave's family. Will try to update periodically with little daily details instead of broad brush strokes. Honestly, would love to hear from you. Love you!!!


  1. Hey Lauren! Callie here. Just letting you know I have read EVERY single one of your blog posts as of yet and am continually praying for you and Dave. I saw that you said there were no comments so here is one! I know it is hard to adjust to a new place and new way of life per say, but I am so excited to read about how the Lord has used your home as a ministry so much already! I pray you find find peace in the scriptures from all of the men and women God called to a different foreign land and used them and provided for them in happiness. :) Blake and I pray for the two of you often and if you ever have any specific prayer requests don't hesitate to e-mail me! Take care. We love you guys!

  2. Oh Lauren, Dear one. I love that you write with an accent :) Please, oh please, don't forget to post. It's so great to see how you are and to learn all about life in Wales.

    Love you!

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Love you Lauren. Thinking about you often, especially as I make lesson plans for the week. Being here in College Park after graduation helps keep the memories of our college years fresh. They are some of the dearest I have. And to think we are both married 3 years after being roommates. MUAK. Huge hispanic kiss and hug to you.
